• Question: Have you always been interested in science, or did you suddenly become interested one day?

    Asked by Holly-H to Barbara, Matt, Ravinder, Sophie, Tristan on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Sophie Robinson

      Sophie Robinson answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      I liked science as a child but when I was a teenager I found it boring as most of it we learned from the text book. Then when I was doing my GCSEs I really fell in love with Biology. I found it fascinating to learn how our bodies work and the world just started to make more sense to me. As I moved into Biology A-level, more and more of the things I had questions about just started to make sense. Then as I moved onto doing my degree, I learnt just how complex we really are and how incredible it is that more things don’t go wrong in life!

    • Photo: Barbara Shih

      Barbara Shih answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      I actually grew up being told I am terrible at science. I came to UK to study art. It was only sometime before I choose my A-levels that I realized “hey, I’m not bad at this and it’s pretty fun!” Biology was my favourite because it involved putting different information together (which is the part that I would say is the most important in science). I never did history, but I have heard researchers saying the writing essays/debating in high school history is actually what science is about.

    • Photo: Matthew Moore

      Matthew Moore answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      I loved science in primary school, I think most pupils do. Now that I’m doing science my mum always recalls me asking questions such as ‘why is the fog really thick from here, but not when you get there?’ when I was a toddler.

      Through secondary school I didn’t make the most of that time and didn’t learn much, but decided one day to go back to what I had always been interested in and that was a career in medical research. I picked up some university brochures and realised this was something I could actually do!

      I took Biology at A-level and wasn’t sure how well I was going to do, it was when we did a module in genetics and evolution that I first really properly understood evolution and that blew my mind!

      Biology is an incredibly complex topic but must ultimately be reducible to some underlying principles, such as those of evolution –my interest has only grown since!
